law enforcement health benefits
EDA provided the installation of 1,1630 sqft of TPO roofing, as well as masonry brick veneer, block stair and elevator shafts. As such we were able to coordinate the needs of the GC in regards to sequencing and scheduling to help deliver the project on time even through dealing with COVID-19.
Services Used:
Project Size
1,1630 sqft - TPO Roofing, 250 sqft - Crystalline Waterproofing, 4,200 sqft - TAKTL Ultra High Performance Concrete Panels, 200 sqft - ACM Panels, 15,000 sqft - AVB
Philadelphia, PA
General Contractor
P. Agnes Inc.
JacobsWyper Architects
Carlisle, Xypex, Greenleaf Brick, Glen Gery Brick, Fizzano Bros. Concrete Products, TAKTL, Alucobond
TPO Membrane, Face Brick and Concrete Masonry Units, UHPC Panels, 4mm Fire-Resistant ACM, CCW 705 FR Sheet, AVB
TPO Roofing, Crystalline Waterproofing, Masonry Brick Veneer, Block Stair and Elevator Shafts, AVB, UHPC, ACM Panels
Law Enforcement Health Benefits, Inc.
Award-Winning Project
Agnes, Inc. was awarded the 2021 GBCA Best Residential, Mixed-Use or Office-Space Project for work on this law enforcement health and wellness center. EDA had an extensive scope of work on this job, including over 4,200 SF of concrete panels, 15,000 SF of air vapor barrier, and over 11,000 SF of roofing. We worked directly with the general contractor on this project to ensure on-time delivery of this project despite lengthy delays caused by city COVID-19 mandates. For more information on our role on this project, you can visit the project page on our website.


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