One of EDA’s core behaviors is ‘Showing You Care’. During the holiday season, the EDA Family did an incredible job of displaying their compassion for the less fortunate by not only collecting and donating over $1,000 but by giving up their time during a very busy season. A week before bringing the gifts to the teens at The Bridge, a group of EDA employees stayed after hours to help package, prepare, and wrap all the gifts for this year’s gift-giving event. There was a great turnout this year and they were able to wrap all the gifts in record time! Great work team!

The Bridge is a program that houses at-risk teens in the Philadelphia area and helps provide them with the structure and help that they need. EDA was lucky enough to work with Turning Points and The Bridge to provide the kids with Christmas presents again this year. A new twist was added this year as we brought some more fun with us. We played a game with the teens which turned out to be a great time. We capped off the day with some delicious Chick-Fil-A and cake. Opportunities like this are what make EDA different from other companies and without the EDA family, this would simply not be possible. A huge thanks to all who participated, donated, and truly showed that they care.