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#Duckumentary - Kirstin Crawford

Today we speak with Business Operations Analyst, Kirstin Crawford!

What’s your favorite thing about working with your team/department?

My favorite thing about working with the Shared Services Team is being able to experience and learn about a wide variety of departments and roles. With my focus being all things data, I get the opportunity to help and work with everyone!

Outside of work, do you have any favorite activities or hobbies?

I love to work in my garden. Some of my favorite plant babies include my bonsai trees and cucumbers. I also really enjoy tabletop board and card games – my husband and I have 40+ games in our collection!

What’s the best piece of advice you have been given relating to your job/career?

“Everything is overwhelming, you can’t get comfortable until you dive in."

What’s one thing you never leave home without?

Wallet games! Mini card games are a great way to kill time and use your brain.

What do you do here at EDA?

As a business operations analyst, I work with data to help folks solve problems. There are many ways to utilize data to solve problems and provide insights. I often consult on optimization or data-related problems, improve tracking and collection of data, educate teams and individuals on the use of data, visualize data to inform decision-making, and more!

Cats or dogs? Why?

In general, dogs- because they can be more active with you! I own both cats and dogs, but I really adore the chance to take my dog wherever I go (as long as he can manage his excitement).

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite parts of my job are the learning and use of math. In the practice of solving problems, you must be constantly learning and expanding your toolbox, so to speak. As an individual, I’ve always loved mathematics and hacking at new problems. At EDA, I get to apply my passions to my job every day and I get to learn about so many different aspects of the company. There’s always a new lesson to be learned!

If you were planning your favorite meal, what’s on the menu?

Homemade tamales or fried enchiladas. Tex-Mex is my comfort food!

How do you stay updated on industry trends and advancements, and are there any recent developments that have caught your attention?

LinkedIn and Reddit are my go-to sources for industry trends. I’ve been very interested in the integration of task automation in the workplace, as well as what opportunities AI will provide as it continues to improve.

What's your proudest accomplishment, either in your professional or personal life?

My journey through higher education, teaching, and ending up happily with EDA – is my proudest accomplishment to date. Learning and mathematics have always played a vital role in my life. Now, I get to use those passions every day while being part of a great company with boundless opportunity. It’s already a chapter of success in my book and I’m excited to see where the story goes.