
#Duckumentary - Tom Wilgus

Written by Admin | Mar 19, 2025 1:30:00 PM
What’s your favorite thing about working on your crew?

The people! EDA attracts a certain personality type that fits well with the company and culture. Everyone is friendly and supportive. Positivity can be contagious. It makes a difficult situation easier when everyone believes success can be achieved.


If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do with your winnings?

Pay off my house! Then, I’d take a vacation with the family—we haven’t had one in quite a while. Maybe somewhere sunny and beachfront? If there’s any money left over after Monte Carlo, perhaps I’ll send my kids to college. 🤔😆

How do you stay updated on the latest industry trends, technologies, and safety protocols?

The internet is my go-to tool for keeping up with the latest and greatest. When I start a job with a product I’m not familiar with, I check out its website to get an idea of specs and installation instructions. The union provides regular updates on safe work practices, and EDA is second to none in training employees in workplace safety.

Outside of work, what are some of your hobbies or interests?

I love music. When I’m at home, there’s always music playing. I have a record collection—not huge, but it’s mine. If my house were burning down, I’d get my wife, kids, and dog out… then I’d go back in for my records!

What’s one thing you personally must have with you on a job site?

Comfortable boots! If my feet aren’t happy, I’m not. 😆

Cats or dogs? And why?

I love all animals, but they can’t be high-energy or high-maintenance. We have a Bernedoodle, Maeve. She sleeps roughly 17 hours a day, but if we want to take a leisurely walk through the woods, she’s happy with that too. She’s perfect for our family.

What’s the best piece of advice you’d give an apprentice, or what’s the best piece of advice you received as an apprentice?

Pay attention. Take it all in. Get your hands in it. There’s no better teacher than experience. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Understanding the expectations of the end result will help the process make sense.

Is there anything else about you, your family, or your home life that you would like to share?

I have five kids. It’s a lot, but I love it! They are all so different and unique. Watching them grow into kind, compassionate humans has been my greatest honor and privilege.

Can you share one new thing you’ve learned on the job or a best practice that helps save you time and energy or keeps you safer on the job?

A clean place is a happy place! Setting yourself up in an orderly, organized manner increases productivity. Know where all your tools, fasteners, and materials are. Keeping the work area clean and free of debris helps you stay focused on the task.

The nuclear power industry uses a strategy called “20/20/20.” Every 20 minutes, take 20 seconds to look 20 feet around your work area. Identify potential hazards and take action to resolve them. It’s a great practice to maintain a safe environment.

How do you manage stress and maintain a positive mindset in a high-pressure environment like construction?

Positivity is key! Understand that situations are temporary. My wife is big into yoga, and when our kids get really upset or frustrated, she walks them through breathing exercises to calm their minds and slow their heart rates. On the job, we do the same—take a few minutes to breathe, get some clarity, and come back with a fresh perspective.

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