
#Duckumentary - Steve Christina

Written by Admin | Jul 24, 2024 1:00:00 PM

What’s your favorite thing about working with your team/department?

My favorite thing about working with the team in my department is the fun we have while completing our work on time and in a professional manner. The coworkers I have in this department live, laugh, and enjoy life in a very proactive way.

Outside of work, do you have any favorite activities or hobbies?

Outside of work I do several hobbies, a few that I have been into lately have been the gym and riding my jet ski.

What’s the best piece of advice you have been given relating to your job/career?

The best piece of advice that I have received in relation to my career has been to work like an owner. Having that pride to work as if you are relied on daily has helped me to become better at my job overall.

What’s one thing you never leave home without?

One thing I never leave home without is my water bottle.

What do you do here at EDA?

I am a field superintendent.

Cats or dogs? Why?

Dogs because they are more of a friend and family member. Cats are too devious.

What is your favorite part of your job?

The favorite aspect of my job is being able to help my team members in situations where they may be stumped. It allows me to think outside the box and come up with solutions that can help with the project, as well as maybe teach a field member something new.

If you were planning your favorite meal, what’s on the menu?

First would be some appetizers: fresh burrata with some tomato, bread, and peppers. Then a nice steak cooked medium-rare with mashed potatoes and vegetables. Finished off with a chocolate dessert.

How do you stay updated on industry trends and advancements, and are there any recent developments that have caught your attention?

Speaking with the manufacturers really helps keep up with trends and new innovations. I was just made aware that there is a peel and stick rubber product, something I think will be used a lot in the future.

What's your proudest accomplishment, either in your professional or personal life?

The proudest accomplishment in my personal life would have to be getting a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.