
#Duckumentary - Sierra Pospiech

Written by Admin | May 29, 2024 12:00:00 PM

What’s your favorite thing about working with your team/department?

Being someone newer to the industry, there is still so much that I don’t know. In the past year, I have learned so much and I couldn’t have done that without the Estimating Department. Having a team that is so knowledgeable and willing to share what they know has been incredibly helpful. I’m not saying I could be an estimator tomorrow, but having some knowledge is a good place to start!

Outside of work, do you have any favorite activities or hobbies?

After work, you can find me either at a Phillies game, at a concert, or reading at home. I am also one of the biggest Swifties you will ever meet, so I am interested in anything related to Taylor Swift. One thing you may not know about me is that I’m in an adult softball league and my team plays every Tuesday!

What’s the best piece of advice you have been given relating to your job/career?

Back when I first started in retail management, my store manager always reminded me that you can only control what you can control. It’s so easy to get bummed out when things don’t go the way you plan or if you make a simple mistake. But, taking control of the situation, staying positive, and learning what needs to improve is truly what YOU can control. This helped me immensely when I had bad sales days, but it also has helped me when I was transitioning into the position I am in now. I guess this can translate now into our EDA value: Strive to Improve.

What’s one thing you never leave home without?

My kindle or whatever book I’m reading! If I leave without either one, I feel like I left a piece of me at home.

What do you do here at EDA?

I am the Administrative Assistant for the Estimating Department. If you come up to my desk, you’ll usually see me organizing bid documents for all bids, managing the calendars for all our estimators, and gathering accurate information regarding the bids we submit to our clients.

Cats or dogs? Why?

If you know me, you know that my cat is my everything and I often refer to him as my son. With that being said, I think you know my answer, though I do love dogs almost as much as I love cats.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love seeing projects come to life. When we’re invited to bid on a project, whether it’s a schematic design or construction documents, it’s so cool to see the renderings and the progress throughout the life of the bid. I’ve caught myself passing by construction sites sometimes and thinking “I know what they’re going to build there” because I’ve seen the plans.

If you were planning your favorite meal, what’s on the menu?

This is a tough question because I am such a foodie. The Northeast Philly girl in me wants to say a Steve’s, American-wit cheesesteak, but also the Polish girl in me wants to say golabkis, pierogies, and kielbasa with sauerkraut. So, let’s go with all of the above!

How do you stay updated on industry trends and advancements, and are there any recent developments that have caught your attention?

I am very active on LinkedIn and that is where I will usually find any news regarding our industry. I’m typically sending posts to Jessica DiLeo, our Estimating Coordinator, so we can keep our eye out for certain projects. I had recently seen on LinkedIn the early renderings for the additions that will be made down in the Stadium District over the course of the next 10-15 years. Crossing my fingers we get our hands on those projects!

What's your proudest accomplishment, either in your professional or personal life?

My proudest accomplishment, and something I really pride myself in, is the fact that I worked as a full-time manager in retail while attending college full-time and I still graduated with honors. That was the longest 4 years of my life, especially with Covid taking over my last semester in school. But the payoff was worth it and to say that I did the damn thing made me feel like I could genuinely do anything as long as I put in the work for it.