
#Duckumentary - Sade Carmichael

Written by Admin | Nov 9, 2022 5:00:00 AM

What did you do before your time at EDA?

Before my time with EDA, I was finishing up my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and working full-time as an assistant for the state of New Jersey’s Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary program.

What brought you to the construction industry?

When I first came in for an interview, I enjoyed how the culture felt here at EDA. The Core Values stood out to me, and I liked how serious it seemed the EDA team was regarding these values. I was still in college and the funny thing to me is, I just had a lesson on company values and the benefits they hold to a company’s success. For that to be one of the first things I saw when I walked into the office was pretty cool and showed me that EDA cares about its employees and cares about the growth of its business.

Can you briefly explain what you do at EDA?

I am the Executive Assistant to the CEO. I assist Mr. Ed DeAngelis with scheduling business/personal meetings, appointments, and events. I help manage his files, assist with keeping him on track with projects, taking meeting minutes, staying involved throughout the company, and helping support multiple committees. I also manage the front office operations.

What are some things that most people don't know about you?

I have a 501(c)(3) that is near and dear to my heart. I’ve partnered with a group of close friends to help support the students at the Trenton Central High School Marching Band. I also provide community service to the Trenton, NJ area. I love my community and hope to continue to give back to help give hope to children and adults alike.

If you weren’t in the construction industry, where would you be today?

If I wasn’t in the construction industry, I’m not too sure where I’d be to be honest. I have a very versatile background, from organizing/re-designing closets, to performing arts (dance as well as Instruments like the flute, piccolo, and acoustic guitar), to business administration. I pray to the Most High that he direct my path, that my life glorifies him. I still find time to teach/mentor in the arts world, as well as support my long-time clients in organizing their homes.

If you could work in any other trade or department here at EDA, where would you be?

If I could work in any other trade or department here at EDA, I’d probably join Operations. I love the administration field and enjoy identifying new processes and structures for improvement.

What is the biggest challenge you've faced in work? How did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced in work is fear of the unknown. Having faith has helped me overcome my fears. Jesus Christ has taught me not to fear, and to trust him. New assignments come, new challenges come, and if we aren’t careful, stress can overtake us. Taking time to breathe, to sit back and speak with the Most High helps calm my anxiety and have a clear focus. Continuing to educate myself, aiming for growth, working in a team, and staying consistent has helped me tremendously.

What has been the best part about your experience working with EDA?

The best part about working at EDA has been the opportunity to connect with multiple people from different backgrounds. EDA has helped open me up to different cultures and understand that there are different ways of thinking and performing.

What is your favorite EDA value, and why?

My favorite EDA Value is Strive to Improve because part of life to me is about growth, it’s about change.