
#Duckumentary - Josuel Paulino, ASP

Written by Admin | Aug 3, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Josuel Paulino recently passed the 5-hour, 200 question Associate Safety Professional (ASP) exam.

This is truly a testament to his dedication to his craft as a safety professional. Josuel graduated from college with an Accounting degree, but found a liking to safety and has proven that he is determined to learn as much as possible, as quickly as possible. Learn more about Josuel below in his #Duckumentary!

What did you do before your time at EDA?
After college I worked for an accounting firm for several years, providing financial service audits to our clients.

What brought you to the construction industry?
My Stepfather owns a landscaping business and I worked for him all throughout high school and college. After several years of practicing accounting, I decided to get back into the construction field where my passion lies. I came across Health and Safety and realized it was the perfect pathway into the industry while leveraging my corporate experience.

Can you briefly explain what you do at EDA?
I am responsible for planning, implementing, and overseeing the company's employee safety at work.

What are some things that most people don't know about you?
One thing that most people don’t know about me is that I used to play video games competitively. I competed in many tournaments throughout high school and college

If you weren’t in the construction industry, where would you be today?
If I was not in the construction industry, I’d be an entrepreneur.

If you could work in any other trade or department here at EDA, where would you be?
If I could work in any other trade or department here at EDA, I would be a Carpenter. I’m interested in learning basic handyman skills that are transferrable to working on my personal home.

What is the biggest challenge you've faced in work? How did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge I have faced at work is enforcing disciplinary action. Communication is key to overcoming this challenge. What made a big difference was empathy and understanding the workers point of view, along with providing the reasoning behind my actions.

What has been the best part about your experience working with EDA?
The best part about my experience with EDA has been the culture! We are Successful Together!

What is your favorite EDA value, and why?
My favorite EDA Value is “Strive to Improve”. When I think of this value, one of my life mantras come to mind: Kobe Bryant’s “Mamba Mentality”. The Mamba Mentality is basically the ultimate quest and pursuit of being the best version yourself, and tapping into your highest potential.