
#Duckumentary - Christina Margolis

Written by Admin | Sep 18, 2024 9:00:00 AM

What’s your favorite thing about working with your team/department? 

My favorite aspect of working with the team is the collaboration among diverse personalities and the genuine care we have for each other. Despite the industry's gender imbalance, I receive strong support, with my male colleagues readily guiding and supporting me. The operations team excels in collaborative problem-solving, and I cherish the relationships I've developed during my tenure at EDA.

Outside of work, do you have any favorite activities or hobbies?

I love staying active outdoors through activities like CrossFit, yoga, and running. In the winter, skiing and summer swimming are my go-to sports. Spending quality time with my best friends and family is always a priority for me. During downtime, I enjoy reading books on self-development, self-care, and leadership.

What’s the best piece of advice you have been given relating to your job/career?

To strive for balance between my professional and personal life. Giving 110% is the only way I know but I've learned that without balance, burnout is inevitable. It can be challenging to step away from work when you're passionate about it, yet it's essential for overall health and wellness. Looking ahead, I want to be able to look back in 20 years and know I was not only dedicated to my career but also actively engaged as a mother.

What’s one thing you never leave home without?

Easy! My water bottle and Apple Watch.

What do you do here at EDA? 

As a Project Manager at EDA, I organize and motivate project teams. This includes planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling projects while keeping everyone involved up to date. Currently, I'm working on succeeding in EDA’s new organizational model which centers around cultivating trust and building stronger relationships with our customers, being a strong representative of EDA and providing exceptional service in our industry.

What is the most difficult part about your job as a Project Manager? 

Understanding clients' needs can be challenging due to the variety of personalities and workstyles involved. It is key to empathize and exercise patience, recognizing that each individual has unique preferences and temperaments. By respecting and understanding their perspectives, we can better tailor our approach to effectively meet their needs and achieve mutual success.

What is your favorite part of your job? 

Besides the amazing people?! It’s driving down I95 or 676 and seeing all the beautiful work EDA has been a part of. Especially when it has changed the city's skyline. Tangible outcomes can be incredibly rewarding.

Cats or dogs? Why?

This may be surprising, but neither. I’m happy to visit my friend’s pets, but that’s it.

If you were planning your favorite meal, what’s on the menu?

My favorite meal would definitely be potato pierogis with fried onions.

How do you stay updated on industry trends and advancements, and are there any recent developments that have caught your attention?

I mainly stay updated on industry trends and advancements through LinkedIn and our intranet app, the EDA Journey. I’m constantly learning new things about the industry, and I see it as an integral part of being successful in my role.

What's your proudest accomplishment, either in your professional or personal life?

Recently, my proudest accomplishment is that I purchased a house. Being able to finally get rooted and provide a home for my son and I to grow together in has been a significant achievement.